Hey Loves!
I hope all is well with you. I have the pleasure of bringing to you today a review of Where’d You Learn That Purely Preschool Fall Pack. While this product was gifted to me, the review and thoughts below are all my own. (Also, y’all should know I would not lie to you.)
OK, so when this digital product arrived in my inbox I was a little concerned about the page count. Wow, was I wrong and I am so glad that I was! If you know me at all, you know that I love a product that I can use more than once and in multiple ways. Super bonus if I can use it with both of my kids at the same time. This hits all three of those marks! Let me explain how…
For starters, The images depict the actual subject. So if it is a fall animal like a squirrel it is a beautifully black-and-white drawn image of said squirrel, not a cartoon image or a character. I really like this, especially when studying nature because then I feel like my children can really learn about the animal and explore as opposed to just engaging with some random image that may not depict its actual likeness.

Next, the layout: I absolutely adore how the author briefly but thoroughly explains each activity in the pack and provides all the things that you need. Honestly, this is a lesson plan anyone could follow. Seriously, I could give the lesson plan to James and he could implement it. There is no fluff, but it is very full.

Finally, the best part, the content! While this pack is for Fall, the sky’s the limit with all you can do! There is so much in it and while she does provide instructions and guides, you can adapt these for much more. For example, I used the images as instructed with Jude, then together both my children used the images for a scavenger hunt on a walk they took later that day. Jude loved painting fall color leaves and on his own tried to make the color orange. Art then became science!

Lastly, I like how this packs reminds us how t ocare for and appreciate nature. I am so looking forward to using this for many Falls to come with my kids. Check it out here.
Check out what my fellow Melanted Gold Squad Review Members thought about Where’d You Learn That here!