Hey Loves!
As you all know, one of the reasons I started this blog was to empower wives and help build marriages. One common method of doing the latter are date nights. These are weekly to monthly nights that are reserved just for the couple to re-connect. They give the couple a chance to disconnect from work and life, get dressed up and have a good time together.
The problem with this is, sometimes, you get in a rut. You may live in a small town and there are only so many restaurants you can go to. Your budget may not permit for extravagant evenings out. Or, you just want to try something different but don’t know where to start.
Well here I am to your rescue (much to my pleasure) with a tutorial on how to make a ‘Date-Night Jar’
1. A large mason jar or small vase
2. Different colored paper (cut in small pieces) or post-its
3. Paper
4. Pen (enough for both for participants)
*Note: All items can be purchased from your local dollar store
First, you and your spouse must carve out time to complete the date-night jar. Yes, this is something you two should complete together so all desires and ideas are considered. You could actually make this a date too by either going out to grab coffee or dinner or staying in and having some yummy appetizers or desserts.
Next, get your paper and pen and start brainstorming. Both of you should jot down at least 30 ideas for dates (it is harder than it seems but it is for the good, I promise!) in case there are repeats between the two lists.
Then, make sub-heading that the dates will fall under. They can be anything. Ours were:
· At-home
· Luxury
· With Friends
· Under $10
· Under $25
Then compile both lists into the sub-headings you decided on.
Finally choose a color (paper or post it) that coordinates with each category and write all the dates in said category on that color. For example:
· At-home-white
· Luxury-yellow
· With Friends-green
· Under $10-orange
· Under $25-pink
Then you put them in the jar and decide who picks for week one!
I hope you enjoy!
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