Hey Loves!
I’m back with my third installment of the She Shares Truth Challenge by She Reads Truth. This week we are studying Jonah 1 and 2 and I am stoked!
Pretty much everyone knows about Jonah and The Whale. I thought I did. Clearly, my children’s church lesson didn’t stick because reading these two (very short) biblical chapters are way more intense than I remember.
Jonah, a normal Hebrew, was going through life the best way he knew, following and praising God. However, when that wasn’t working for him anymore, he literally ran away.
Let me clarify, Jonah, very much like you and I, was a good person and a good Christian BUT when God specifically asked him to do one thing that was out of his comfort zone, he tried to outrun (rather out sail) and hide from God.
Sound familiar? Maybe not the hopping in a boat and sailing miles away but maybe saying:
“God, I can’t do that!”
“God, I’m not doing that!”
“God, You can’t ask me to do that!”
I’m guilty of all three actually. Jonah paid for his disobedience and lack of faith by having a proverbial “time-out” in the belly of a whale for a few days. I paid for my disobedience too. Thankfully, it was inland.
Like Jonah, God empowers us for whatever task He has planned. We can handle it because God gives us the strength, patience, time and words to do so. Today, I urge you to say yes to God. Say yes to your calling and trust Him. I promise, He has His best interest at heart, not ours, and that’s a wonderful thing– for you and me to be used for His best interest.