I am about to rant. After reading this, I may, quite possibly lose a few followers and friends, and I am ok with that. At the end of the day our lives our measured by love; who we love, how we love and where our love was shared. No one has the right to tell anyone who they should love. No one has the right to deny anyone the joy of sharing sweet love and making precious memories or being happy. It saddens me so that our culture embraces a reality TV show where one man can have 11 children by 10 different women and TV shows where we root for the mistress to win but one man cannot love another man. The good Christian legislators can fight for tireless hours against gay and lesbians having legal rights but ‘common-law’ is still a tax deduction and 4 year-olds can shoot other children. No, I have not been affected by the lack of protection for gay and lesbian couples. In fact, because I am married ‘the right way’ (*throws up in mouth*) I can do just about anything with my husband’s signature. God forbid, but if anything were to happen to him I am entitled to all of our assets and even his inheritance from his family, but this isn’t about me. This is about the millions of people that are left, not only heartbroken, but destitute because, even though stated in a will, did not have rights to a shared house, bank accounts or cars. I encourage you to read the article of a brave gay man and his struggle. I don’t care if you are not moved or don’t like or share this. I am just doing my part so now you do not have the choice to be ignorant. Ignorance is NOT bliss people. Fight for people so that someday somebody may fight for you.