Hey Loves!
Man oh man, in my morning me time, when I take the first sip of my coffee, I swear I can hear Sarah McLachlan singing, “In The Arms of The Angel”. I mean, I really feel like Gabriel himself engulfed me in a deep embrace of love, comfort, and eternal joy. It took me a while to get to this place. Coffee, for me, used to be reheated a bazillion times and drank to literally make it through the next 20 minutes. Savor what? Why? Give me the caffeine IV because I AM DYING! If I am being honest, even Starbucks in Target was kind of a treat but I downed it before I left the dollar spot. (If you don’t know what I am talking about… I’m sorry. This is one of those, “you have to feel me” things.”)
Then, I discovered Lucky Goat coffee… y’all, I most certainly am not a coffee snob but this stuff is a game changer (<— clearly, my new favorite phrase). Don’t ask me why. I don’t know anything about bean color, roasting techniques, sourcing or harvesting. I know it is good. Very, very good, in fact.
But, I live in Florida and in the summer it is 106 degrees at 8 a.m. so cold-brew is a must, for me anyway. I looked up cold brew recipes and, let’s just say I never finished one. Why? Entirely too much work! Then, I stumbled across the “Coffee Sock” while getting a massage with a friend. (that sounded really snobby like I do it all the time… I DON’T). Y’all this contraption is easy, very affordable and makes an amazing cold brew.
Also, you should know I am not one of those people who can drink coffee without creamer. I’m very far from one of those people. I also have standards when it comes to my creamer. It has to be refrigerated. It must not contain dairy. It must increase the taste of the coffee to make me feel like I am drinking from the streams of Heaven. I have found two that do this. You should know that I have not looked at the back of the labels on these products because they are awesome and I am happy and I do not want my heart broken by numbers and words that are most commonly found on labels on the back of products. You do what you want and keep your findings to yourself please and thanks. Califia Farms flavored creamer is ahhhhhhhhmazing. It is pricey and sold at select stores and mama doesn’t always have time for that. So, I normally get Silk Almond Milk coffee creamer, Caramel flavor.
Then, I drink it from a mason jar! How chic am I! (Please read above where I informed you I am not a snob and repeat it several times.)
Just a note, I make myself drink at least 20 ounces of water before I have my coffee AND after, because #selfcare is hydration.
Is there something I need to make this experience better? Tell me!
Love you. Mean It.