Hey Loves!
Can I share something with you? I had no idea what a homeschool rhythm was. Not one. Not a clue.
If you don’t know what something is, you have no idea how the benefits of it flow through your home.

So, once I found out about this gem and did a little digging, I was able to apply it so my family could thrive with it and not be bound to a schedule.
What’s the difference between a schedule and rhythms, you ask? Simply put, freedom and grace. A schedule is pass/fail. You either do the thing, complete the task or you don’t. A rhythm allows for grace to maybe kinder complete the task and the grace to either skip it or try it a different way.
Here is how I organize our homeschool rhythm every year:
Survey our life- That sounds very technical but basically I compile our activities, plans and ideals-like downtime, family time and things like church, chores and meal prep.
Be realistic- I am definitely team “go hard or go home” but I have learned, albeit the hard way, that actually we can do way more when we do a little and are intentional with our time.
Prep and plan- So, taking the two items above, I plan out our days. This includes not just the activities and ideals, but I have to be realistic and include traffic, prep time, travel time between destinations, etc.

Put it all together- This is the last step. Think of the items above like puzzle pieces or Jenga blocks. I piece each item together in the little matrix of our lives and then, this is the key, I structure what lessons we do on what day so we can get into our rhythm.
I’ve said this before but I honestly can’t stress enough that the emphasis of homeschooling is on the home, not the opening or closing of a curriculum at a certain time.
If you would like a printable to organize your own homeschool rhythm you can grab it here.