Feliz Navidad, amigos!
I love Christmas. I mean, who doesn’t? Well, at one time, me. We traveled everywhere and it was just a pain. Now, in our home with my little family and our traditions, I’m dancing my socks off I’m so happy.
I got the ball rolling a little early this year thanks to this blog. It really helped me plan and take the stress out of the season. Before Thanksgiving we: had our Christmas Card printed, made a card-recipient list, made and wrapped grandparent gifts, planned gifts for nursery workers, gift exchanges, planned our holiday treats with recipes and made all sorts of lists. Can you say #winning?!?!?!?!
Do you all celebrate Advent? We are getting better about it. It’s important to us to teach our kids the meaning of Christmas and to be reminded ourselves, so we do some scripture reading and bible based activities and some secular ones. I found this great printable to list out our activities and verses.
Need activity Ideas? I GOT YOU! Merry Christmas!
Service project-Someone somewhere very near to you needs some type of help. They are easy to find and willing to accept.
Prayer Day-Because our world needs it
Christmas Music Dance Party- Need I say more?
Library Trip for Christmas Books
Pajama Movie with Friends
Make Christmas Cards
Community Events- Living Nativity’s, Breakfast with Santa and Parades, oh my!
Decorating the tree
The norms-Holiday baking, family movie nights, Christmas Eve service
Christmas Light Hunt-Go around town and see what you can see