Hey Loves!
Let’s kick this curriculum picks series started off right! While I call this subject, “Bible”, we learn how to cultivate relationship with our creator and apply what we learn to grow our faith.
How do we do that? With the tools below! Now, just so I’m clear, we do not use all of these every day. Somedays we may not even use any! Now that that is out of the way, my last disclaimer, I haven’t been paid nor am I an affiliate marketer or brand ambassador for the following companies or products, although I should because I tell anyone who will listen about them. One more thing- want to see how I use these? Check out my YouTube videos here.
Jesus Storybook Bible
Baby Devotions Scripture Cards
Holy Moly Videos
Podcast (Kids Bible Stories, Truth Seekers)
Indescribable devotions
Scripture Memory Journal
Lessons from church
Pinterest finds
Here is how it works, I use these planning wheels to plot and plan our bible lessons for the school year. (I’m sharing the deets on this via IG stories.) Then, I use whatever from the list above to aid in the teaching and application of the story/lesson. Make sense? (hit me up if it doesn’t.) I may combine a bible lesson with learning about an attribute of God or we may learn a bible verse to grow a character trait.
So, whatever we have planned OR if the Spirit moves, we lean into that lesson with none, one, or more of the items listed above.
Here’s the thing. I am not teaching my kids religion. I am teaching them relationship. I am not teaching them stories, I’m showing the history of grace and unending love. I’m not making sure they spit scripture verbatim, I am teaching them to live it. I don’t and won’t skip over the pain of the cross and only rejoice about heaven. I teach them that in the fire, God is there too. So, it starts with me. The things above just help.
Whew. Ok, peeps. I am really am doing my best to wrap this up. More coming ASAP.
Love you. Mean it.