Hey loves!
Do you ever wonder why eclectic homeschoolers are called eclectic? Honestly I don’t have the exact answer but I know I am an eclectic homeschooler because it takes a minute to find things that really work for our family and no two children are at the same.
With that, since the beginning of our year and my last curriculum updates what you can find here, I’ve made some changes to history and spelling for James.
If you recall in this video I already changed our spelling from Spelling You See to a spelling curriculum that I found via Pinterest that was free. With this free curriculum we used manipulatives that we had at home to help him practice spelling words solely from recitation. While the recitation part was improving, I could tell the cognitive function ofused spelling was not increasing across other areas. So, I went back to the drawing board. Thankfully, use curriculum sales are my jam and I was able to find all about spelling, the complete set, for a total of seven dollars. I couldn’t beat that if I tried so I took it as a sign that we could just give it a shot.
Well, this shot changed our entire lives and frankly, I am in love. All about spelling is wet we needed in James’ spelling has improved monumentally in just 10 lessons. Because I am loved by the Most High, I was also able to find a brand new copy of level 2 for a great price locally and grabbed it so we are all set there.
Now, for history, I said at thetime that I was researching I couldn’t find a non-Eurocentric curriculum program that was age-appropriate for James. So, I settled with Story of The World. Well, it wasn’t inaccurate or grossly racist but it wasn’t fun or engaging. Honestly, because of my traditional school upbringing I honestly thought that’s what history was. That is until I found Curiousity Chronicles. This curriculum includes an audiobook that’s so engaging and fun and the activities are crazy easy to implement while letting the child learn and have fun.
We are studying ancient history now and will soon go into the medieval period. I’ll be using the same curriculum because they are not only accurate and not grossly racist but they are also non- Eurocentric and focus on so many other great ethnic cultures and traditions in their history curriculums.
I rounded both of these out by grabbing two of these notebooks from The School Nest. I’m not sure why she doesn’t have all of the pictures on her website but that’s her business thankfully a friend sent me a full video flipped through and I was sold. For $10 each I am able to have a history timeline that will last us for years any spelling notebook that’s going to do the exact same without having tons of loose papers all around my house that I have to clean up and keep up with.
That’s all for now. Talk soon!