Hey loves!
As I am sure your feeds and favorite stores have been bombarding you with Valentine everything, here I am with more hearts and flowers. I get it. Hear me out-mamas need love too!!! Aunties need love!!! Your girl who will gather you quickly but also bail you out of jail definitely deserves love. So, for a few years now I choose Valentine’s Day to show it.
There are two parts to my galentines- a handwritten note and a practical gift.
By practical I mean anything from wine, to coffee, to accessories. This year hit different though. Not to harp on 2020 but if nothing, it made me really value those in my life that needs showing up. Also, almost all of these would have to go in the mail so it couldn’t be heavy, crazy expensive or require batteries. Enter Pinterest.
Pinterest is the unsung hero of my holiday celebrations. I mean, it knows me so well, it will suggest things that aren’t even in my peripheral. So, in November when this Galentine idea landed in my lap, I took it and upped the ante a little.
If you know me, you know two things about me: 1. I believe you shouldn’t leave home without a monogram and 2. I am always in need of a scrunchie or hair tie.
I feel like these are things my girls could benefit from so I gathered my supplies.
I used:
–This printable (I printed on white card stock)
-Needle and coordinating thread
-Note cards, pens and a bleeding heart

Using a needle thread with coordinated thread close to that of the scrunchie, attach the initial charm with a few stitches, securing well with several knots.

Then, wrap the scheunchie around the printed and cut tag. Next, write out your feels for your girl. Layer in envelopes or present gifts bags. Viola! Galentine for your gal pals.

Yes, I made one for me too.
Love you. Mean it.