Hey Loves!
Day 8 is GREAT! I love a keepsake gift and these are what we give to our parents for Christmas every year. Each one of them have been loved and appreciated by grandparents and each house guest of theirs admires them as well.
- Silhouette Portrait- I mean, is there anything more classic?!?!? I need to update my kids’ silhouette portraits. You can purchase these or do them yourself and pair them with a nice frame.
- Photo Ornament- These may be a dime a dozen but they are so cute and it is the gift that keeps on giving! Every Christmas after, you get to remember that little angel’s face!
- Digital Photo Frame- This has actually been on my list for a while but I never pull the trigger. I always marvel at them when I see one though! You can sync to your phone just upload them from a USB. I do love how you can update them though
- Recordable Story Book- Wanna read a loved one a story but they are far away? What about wanting to hear a story from someone faraway? Well, you can! Recordable stories can be found online or in some stores but the treasure of this gift stays in your heart.
- Gift Certificate for Family Photos- I’m not sure who won’t love this gift honestly! It is a winner all around!
- Personalized Mug- Ok, so it may seem basic but go with me on this one-parents, grandparents, aunties and dog parents alike are all about a loved one’s picture on something they drink out of. It is a proven fact.